Sunday, January 23, 2011

1/23 - Morning Fartlek

Goal: 6 x 3 min on, 2 off at half-marathon goal pace.

Actual: 6 x 3 min on, 2 off at half-marathon goal pace.


This was a fun workout. I basically stole the idea from my brother who had done something similar this summer. The ons were supposed to be at half-marathon goal race pace and the offs were intended to be at normal run pace. Now, I don't own one of those fancy shmancy garmin GPS devices, and I have yet to set up any mile markers in Amesbury, so basically all of my pacing is done by feel. Later on I'll use landmarks and gmaps pedometer to get a general idea of the pace. That being said, the workout went well and I averaged ~5:40 pace for the 30 minute effort. Warmed up 3ish, down 2.5ish.

As a side note, Bob Wiles, Brandon Newbold and I swung down to the GBTC invite and watched some exciting races. It was great to reconnect with some old faces as well as to meet a bunch of CMSers (and Whirlawayers) for the first time. Seeing people ripping around Harvard reminded me how much I miss the boards. It would be cool to return to them next winter.

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