Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Recovery Week #4: Getting there!

Monday: knee felt very good day but made the conservative call and took a break from the bike. Relaxed and iced in the evening. Watched the first episode of House of Cards... Real exciting stuff, right?!

Well, here's a little look inside my knee to satiate your boredom!

This right here is called an impingement. It is cartilage and bone... that used to be attached to my knee.

The top is my knee cap after the impingement was removed and lots of "cleaning" was done... Still some healing to be done...


20 minute spin on the recumbent bicycle. I did a few quad extensions per the doctor's orders and the tissue above my knee immediately swelled... not to the point of pain, but enough to be worrisome.

Wednesday: 30 minute spin on the recumbent bike. Felt good. Swelling in the knee was down but not looking as good as it did on Monday. My ribs are feeling well enough to lift a majority of the upper body. Starting with the basics: beach muscles! I did 2 sets of 20lb bicep curls, 2 sets of 60 lb lat pull downs, 2 sets on the bench at a pathetic 95 lbs (gotta start somewhere!), 2 sets of 20 lb shoulder press. Figured that would be enough to make me sore... AND IT WAS!

Thursday: 15 minutes easy spinning on the trainer at home.

Friday: 25 minute easy spin on the recumbent bike.

Saturday: 10 minute spin followed by 3 sets. 25 lb bicep curls, 90 lb lat pull downs, bench at 95, 105, 115. 50 lb dumbell shoulder press, etc.

Sunday: 30 min spin. plus MRTYL series for hip strength and mobility. I guess the series was programmed by Jay Johnson, a former CU runner who coaches all over the internet now. The exercises challenged my glutes, hamstrings and lower back but nothing overboard. Even the smallest stimulus right now has a big response because I was so sedentary for a few weeks. Feeling good!

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