Monday, January 2, 2012

Week 1: 2012

Monday: 85 minutes with Dad and Alex. Ran the first 58 minutes up the hill to Stone Pond and back and then Alex and I headed out for a speedy 4.5 before it got dark. Good run! 10.5 total.
Tuesday: 20 minutes up, 27 minute tempo in the Phillips Andover Sanctuary with Alex and Tim. Alex ventured out on his own, running about 15 seconds per mile faster than Tim and I (according to Garmin). Estimated pace was 5:45 for me. Tim and I worked well together, taking turns leading up the hills, climbing 310' total. 14 minutes down. 9.5 total.
Wednesday: 63 minutes on some trails and roads in Andover with Alex. Moving quickly this morning, closed the last 4 at 6:00. 10 miles. A little faster than I expected to go after a pretty hard effort yesterday!
Thursday: Met up with Sam this morning for a visit to Bay Road in Durham. Man I love this run! The scenery is great and the terrain is rolling with a few good hills; we headed out via Mill and Packers Falls, and hit Bay Road in downtown New Market. I was pretty dehydrated following the run but feel good this evening after a 7 hour shift at work.15 miles / 1:45
Friday: 8 mile just taking in the nice weather along the Andover river trails.
Saturday: 0 off, no great reason other than poor sleep Friday night and not wanting to drag myself out for the 5k in Tewksbury. My focus right now is to build a strong base of miles, but clearly a 5k at any level of effort would have beat a 0. I worked 9 hours and opted for a hot tub and seeing friends rather than slogging out a run at night. This is exactly the type of training inconsistency I'm trying to avoid... but, at least I'm well rested!
Sunday: Met up with Brandon at his place in Nottingham, NH for a nice rolling 11.2 miler. The pace as conversational and it was cool to catch up. Felt amazing after an easy day and a day off. Had a great time after hanging with Lauren and Meredith, enjoying some nice bowls of chili and a couple home brews. 6:24/mile average.

Total: 64 miles. Finally hitting 60's which is, at minimum, where I need to be. Stride is feeling smoother. Need to start getting in some solid doubles and continue with the tempo efforts.

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