The 5k today went according to plan for the most part. I wanted to dip under 16:00 after a long week of workouts, homework, "real" work, and little sleep. Since the start line was a half mile from the apartment, Steve and I warmed up from home and had first class water, food and bathroom just prior to the race.
Unfortunely, no amenities were going to change how my legs were feeling. I just wasn't feeling sharp for such a (relatively) short distance. I was psyched to see eventual winner Justin Fyffe showed up along with several UNH Cross alumni including Matt Russell, Pete Mallett, and Mackenzie Kilpatrick.
The gun went off and Fyffe immediately took charge at the front and the rest of us followed behind. By mile 1 it was clear who the eventual winner would be, but Mallett, Russell, Kilpatrick and I made up a foursome and just worked away at the course. Mile 1 was reached in about 5:05 and mile 2 a bit slower, although I didn't actually look at my watch. At the time I was too busy thinking about how awful my stomach was feeling and whether a pit stop at my apartment or in the woods would soon be in order.
Kilpatrick dropped back ever so slightly behind us and soon I joined him. With about a half mile to go I began regaining lost ground on Mallett and Russell, but with $100 and $50 on the line, they began duking it out and I was left to take 4th, 9 seconds back from Russell and 5 from Mallett. Overall time was 15:58.
Results here Steve finished well in 7th with 17:01. I think we were both pretty happy with our races considering the workload we put in over the past week. I hit 76 miles this week without a long run (that comes tomorrow) and I have had 4 hard days in 8. I'm looking forward to increasing the length of my runs and quality of my workouts in the next couple of weeks. With no races on the weekends, I intend to follow a Wednesday-Saturday workout schedule. 7 mile tempo on Wednesday plus some 200s.