Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 5: 2/14 - 2/20

M: 9 - 63 min recovery solo
T: 10 - 6x800 @ 10k pace with Ken
W: 10 - 65 min solo
R: 16.4 - 1:46:20 with Brandon and Wes
F: 8 - 61:50 super easy with Brandon
S: 9.8 - 60:14 Fartlek 3min on/2min off x 8. Averaged 5:47 pace for 7 miles. Super windy!
S: 16.5 - 1:53 long with Ken and Ryan Spinney

Total: 79.7

I'm pretty happy with the consistency of this week. I got one speedier workout, two longer runs, and a good fartlek. At the same time, I'm not really feeling very race ready yet and I'm beginning to really wonder what the outcome of next Sunday's 10 mile race will be. I'm also questioning whether I want this coming week to be a down week. New Bedford is exactly 4 weeks from today, and a down week might not make sense if my goal is to be as fit as possible there.

This is only week 5 of the training block and from past experience, I can't really expect to race fast until about week 10-12. Half-way there!

2/15 - Workout Tuesday

Goal: 6x800 @ 10k pace

Actual: 6x800 on 80-90s jogging rest (2:32-2:35)

Notes: This was an easy workout. I just wanted to stretch the legs and breathe deep for a change of pace. It was 10 degrees (-4 with windchill) when I ran, so I was lucky to be inside. I would have been more aggressive with the workout, but the sharp flat turns around 3 basketball courts make it difficult to go much faster without risking injury.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week 4: 2/7 - 2/13

M: 5 Recovery with Ben and Joe after a long one on Sunday.
T: 10 (12x400 at 3k-5k pace) with Ken and Chris
W: 20 Long run (2:12) with Brandon over Wednesday Hill and Bay Road
R: 5.3 Recovery run real slow solo
F: 10.6 Steady with Ken (6:40/m)
S: 11.5 Easy running with 4 miles at LT (21:18) with Brandon
S: 14.8 Easy medium-long run (1:43:30) solo

Total: 77.2 miles for the week in 7 runs. 2 workouts, one long and one medium-long run with good recovery jogs mixed in. I sort of missed my goal of getting 9-10 runs in this week, but I couldn't logically fit in extra runs without sacrificing sleep in the morning. Seeing as I already wake up at 5:20 for work, it's a pretty big challenge to get out there for a morning run most days. 2 weeks until the Jones Realtors 10 miler and I'm getting excited to see what I can do. I hope the competition is good like last year's race.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2-8 Workout Tuesday

Goal: 12x400 @ 75 on 60 s recovery

Location: Indoors... somewhere. 187m track around a few basketball courts.

Actual: 12x400 (73,73,73,71,73,73,72,72,73,69,71,65)

Notes: This was a fun workout. I met up with Ken Tripp and Chris Kealy, both Winner's Circule runners, and we each took turns leading 4 reps. They egged me on a bit to do the last one in 65. My inner-coach was yelling his head off, but I couldn't resist. It was a good test of the legs.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week 3: 1/31 - 2/6

M: 8.8 Easy with Ben and Joe... 7:04 pace.
T: 10.25 Light workout with Brandon. 6k around half-marathon pace.
W: 15.5 Double 10.2 morning, 5.3 evening. Went easy on both runs, felt great in the evening.
R: 10 Early morning in the snow and slush. Couldn't find traction anywhere = slow going, 6:55 pace!
F: 6 Easy with Ben. Hip flexor is acting up since the intervals on Tuesday. Called off tomorrow's race.
S: 11 Easy/steady in Exeter. Would have liked to race, but made the safer, wiser decision.
S: 17.3 Long and steady over Bay Road with an add-on. 6:47 pace.

Total: ~79 miles on the week. This week felt like a step in the right direction. Although running on a 150m dirt track caused some issues for my hip, things are feeling better after a great long run with rolling hills. I got in one long snowshoe, one workout, and my farthest and most controlled long run yet. For next week I would like to hit a similar number of miles on 9 or 10 runs rather than 8.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2/1 - Workout ... Tuesday!

Goal: 3x2000 at cruise interval pace.

Actual: 3x2000 at cruise interval pace.


In light of the storm, I was pumped that Brandon Newbould invited me to "the cage" at PEA to do a light workout. We warmed up 2-2.5, stretched and went straight into it. I felt good and just plugged away at the pace. We took recovery jogs at 2 laps, so about 300 meters at a moderate pace. I was mentally prepared to do a 4th, but Brandon's wisdom convinced me to do otherwise. Moderating my workouts is something I need to practice more often, since I've been known to overdo it in the past. Cooldown was 2-2.5. I'm starting to get excited about the Jones Realtors 10 miler in 4 weeks, although expectations in terms of time are still up in the air. Hopefully workouts later on this month will be a better indicator. Any way you cut it, I am more fit than last year at this time, so that's a plus.